
Quick Review: Beyond Series

Hello Reader!

It’s a wonderfully sunny morning and I have a few books to share with you. Twelve books if you want to get technical (nine novels and 3 novellas). I’m talking about the Beyond Series by Kit Rocha.

This scorchingly hot series is set in a post-apocalyptic world revolving around the O’Kane Family; a family of badasses living outside the pristine walls of the pseudo-utopian, patriarchal city, Eden. The O’Kane family is shaking things up in the sectors, making the rulers of Eden nervous. The Beyond Series follows this family as they shake up the order of things while falling head-over-heels in love.

Now, when I say “scorchingly hot” I do mean it. These are erotic romances and I was not prepared for the hotness found on the pages of these books. Because the O’Kane family loves and loves hard and they’re not afraid to show it. AKA The sex scenes in these books are just out of this world hot and there is now a burn mark on my couch. This is the first time I’m rating any book (let alone 12 at once), “Absolutely Not Safe For Mom”. Mom – please, do not read these books.

That’s not to say there is no plot amid the sex. There is. And it continues through the rest of the nine books. And Kit Rocha does a great job of leaving you with just enough of a cliffhanger to keep you coming back for more. And then, because they’re evil geniuses, Kit Rocha leaves the series in enough of a cliffhanger to keep you coming back for their next series, Gideon’s Riders. They’re evil wonderful and going to eventually get all my money.

Please, don’t ask me to pick a favorite. That’s like asking to pick a favorite pet or child. Just…I can’t.

What I Love About This Series:

  • Badass ladies who can hold their own against their badass lovers.
  • A found family of misfits, broken, and searching people.
  • Sex positivity, FTW!!!
  • Let’s be honest, the ladies run Sector Four.
  • Sector Four is a place to heal and rebuild.
  • O’Kane’s protect their own.
  • Yes, the sex. (I’m not blushing! You’re blushing!) 😊💕🔥

Tropes To Be Found:

  • Action & Adventure
  • Bad Boy
  • Band of Brothers
  • Bisexual
  • Cage Fighting
  • Dancing Queen
  • Dominance & Submission
  • Dystopian
  • Erotic Romance Found Family
  • Learning how to friend
  • Like a virgin
  • May/December
  • Pain & Pleasure
  • Polyamory
  • Possessive Lovers
  • Post Apocalyptic
  • Power Couple Second Chance Romance
  • Secret Agent Man
  • Sexual Awakening
  • Sheltered Princess
  • Spies
  • Super Sexy Romance
  • Tattoos
  • Tragic Backstory

To learn more about this series, go to Kit Rocha’s website and take a look at their beautiful covers. (Also, just as a note, my picture does not include all of the books.)

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