
Review: Spellbound by Daisy Prescott

STOP! Have you read Bewitched yet? No? Go do so now!


Spellbound is the second novella in the Bewitched series by Daisy Prescott. It is a new adult story with magic and romance. It picks up right where Bewitched (book 1) stops and continues on with the blossoming romance between Andrew Wildes and Madison Bradbury.

At the conclusion of book one, Andrew reveals that he is a witch (not a warlock, that’s an antiquated term) who can produce flame with his hands, control the weather, and knew that he was fated to fall in love with Madison. He’s just a little a head of his time schedule.

Things are going well between the two young lovers. They’re happy, sappy, and never want to be apart. Everything seems to be going great, until Andrew stops acting like himself and more likeā€¦a toad. As his mood gets blacker, he believes he’s been cursed.

With help from Madison, his friends, and his Mother, Andrew must figure out what has caused his sudden change in personality.

Again, Prescott does a great job with this novella. In Bewitched, the story was from Madison’s point of view, whereas this one shifts to Andrew. From the first book, we know that Andrew is a mild mannered, easy going, good guy. He cares a lot about his friends and the relationship with Madison. So, reading about him being a completely possessive, alpha male is a little frustrating. He’s being an idiot and I just want to shake him. The stark difference between his personalities is a bit like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

Prescott brings back the wonderful characters from Bewitched and continues to expound on the magic in this world. In some ways it feel as though the reader is learning about the power of magic in this world right along side of Madison. She explains the mysteries of this magic world in bits and pieces and leaves me wanting more.


A new love. A curse. Everything can go wrong.

If you don’t carve a pumpkin, it will appear ripe and perfect for months while it slowly rots from the inside out before imploding. The act of transforming a simple, ordinary gourd into something magical accelerates its downfall. The same could be said for my life. For twenty-one years I’ve lived quietly in the shadows, avoiding attention, and escaping notice. I hide in plain sight. Except nothing about me is ordinary. Not with the last name Wildes in Salem, Massachusetts. My mother believed she could escape my fate by marrying a normal man. My father thought he could change me by removing me from Salem and my mother’s history. Both of them are wrong. My fate has been sealed since the first time I laid eyes on Madison Bradbury. She thinks she’s average, but she’s extraordinary to me.

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